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Aceitilla Natural Organic Tea Bidens Pilosa,  Spanish needle
Aceitilla Natural Organic Tea Bidens Pilosa,  Spanish needle 

Aceitilla Natural Organic Tea Bidens Pilosa, Spanish needle

  • $ USD10.49
  • 200.30$ MXN

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Aceitilla, Bidens Pilosa; also known as spnish needle is a wild herb and can be found in fields, around rivers, patios, wastelands, and even on rooftops.

Medicinal properties of rosemary are recognized in its digestive, choleric, antiulcer, antifungal, antibacterial action. It is used in the form of herbal medicine, syrup, tincture, and fluid extract.

Aceitilla, Bidens Pilosa is used to combat throat conditions and tonsillitis; It is also highly appreciated as a remedy for sore throat and canker sores. Aceitilla can be used by chewing the leaves or gargles with tea. Both procedures have pectoral influences.

The properties of Aceitilla, Bidens Pilosa are pectoral, sialagogue, emmenagogue, hepatic decongestant, anti-haemorrhoidal, healing, antiemetic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, weak stimulant of smooth muscles (uterus), tranquilizer, hemostatic, emollient, antitussive, and antipyretic. It is also used to treat skin irritation.

The benefits of the Aceitilla, Bidens pilosa is based on people's experiences and opinions of some experts in natural medicine. Do not use this information as a guide to auto medicate yourself, always consult a Naturist Doctor and follow their indication for propper dosis and applications.

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