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Ahuehuete Sabino Mexican cypress, Moctezuma Cypress
Ahuehuete Sabino Mexican cypress, Moctezuma Cypress 

Ahuehuete Sabino Mexican cypress, Moctezuma Cypress

  • $ USD9.99
  • 190.75$ MXN

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The resin in the Ahuehuete, Moctezuma Cypress helps healing of wounds and combat ulcers. It is often used as cardiac tonic, helps pulmonary hepatic or nephritic congestion.

The Ahuehuete helps combat the following symptoms:
• Difficulty in breathing disappears.
• Helps relieve cough.
• Benefits and improves liver functions.
• It favors the elimination, by diuresis, of the accumulated fluids in the tissues.
• Helps lower hypertension.
• It is mildly antiseptic.
• Benefits venous circulation.

The benefits of the Ahuehuete, Moctezuma Cypress is based on people's experiences and opinions of some experts in natural medicine. Do not use this information as a guide to auto medicate yourself, always consult a Naturist Doctor and follow their indication for proper doses and applications.

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